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Text File
450 lines
| README file for
| ELSA WINNER Windows 95 Driver Disk, ver 4.03.1110
| Copyright (c) 1994-96 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany)
| Subsidary:
| Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd.
| D-52070 Aachen Suite 101
| Germany San Jose, CA 95131
| Phone : +49-241-9177-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350
| Support Fax: +49-241-9177-213 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA
| BBS (modem): +49-241-9177-981 Fax : +1-408-935-0370
| BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-9177-7800 BBS : +1-408-935-0380
| CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA
| WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com
| 06/12/96, js
1. Overview
2. Contents
3. Installation
4. History
5. Release Notes
6. Known Bugs and Operating Notes
1. Overview
This disk contains the ELSA WINNER Display Driver for
Microsoft Windows 95.
The drivers support 256, 32768 and 16 Million colors in all
resolutions available on used ELSA WINNER board.
2. Contents
Almost all files are compressed, their names are slighly
changed. Please note that the files can NOT just be copied
from this disk. (see installation)
The directory contains the following files:
The files marked with (a) are not contained on the PRO/X and
GLoria disk. The (x)-marked files are only available on this
DATE.DOC file identifying the disk, prod. date, etc.
README.TXT the file you currently look at
LIESMICH.TXT german version of README
ELSAINI.TXT additional informations for file ELSA.INI
WINNER.DRV driver file for "Non-PRO"-boards
WINPRO.DRV driver file for "PRO"-boards
WINPRX.DRV driver file for TRIO, AVI, PRO/X, GLoria
MINIWIN.VXD virtual mini display driver
WINIC95.DLL driver extension (initialization)
WINEX32.DLL driver extension (32 bit extensions)
ELSAD16.DLL driver extension (Direct Draw interface)
ELSADD.DLL driver extension (Direct Draw HAL)
ELSADSP1.INF device information file for ELSA boards
ELSAMON1.INF device information file for ELSA monitors
ELSAMON1.INF device information file for ELSA monitors
WINMAN.DLL WINman control panel extension
WINMAN.MON WINman monitor configuration file
WINMAN.EXE WINman help application
WINMAN-D.CNT WINman helpfile, german
WINMAN-D.HLP WINman helpfile, german
WINMAN-E.CNT WINman helpfile, english
WINMAN-E.HLP WINman helpfile, english
ELSAGDG.EXE Display Treiber Guardian
ELSAGDG.HLP Helpfile for Guardian
ELSAGDG.CNT Help contents file for Guardian
SETUP.EXE Installation assistant
ELSASUDE.HLP Helpfile for assistant (german)
ELSASUUS.HLP Helpfile for assistant (english)
In case of trouble during or after installation, please make
sure you have all the files mentioned above!
3. Installation
This section descibes the steps to install a ELSA WINNER
Display Driver for Windows 95.
To install the drivers, start the program SETUP.EXE in this
directory. The installation assistant will help you to install
the driver with the control panel.
3.1 Install over older versions of the ELSA WINNER Driver
- Delete in the WINDOWS\INF directory the copies of the
older versions ELSADISP.INF (named OEM?.INF).
- Install the original MS-S3 driver to build a new Device
Information Database.
- Now follow th steps, described in section 3.2.
3.2 First installation of ELSA WINNER Display Drivers
First install Windows 95 without special drivers for the ELSA
WINNER graphics board. The installation procedure should
install a Microsoft driver for boards based on S3 chips.
The installation of the ELSA WINNER Display Driver starts from
the Windows desktop.
- Start the dialog "Properties for Display" by clicking right
mouse button on the desktop or per Control Panel.
- Select the Property Page "Settings"
- Push the button "Change Display Type...". A dialog "Change
Display Type" will pop up.
- Push the button "Change..." inside the frame "Adapter Type".
You will see the "Select Device" dialog.
- In this dialog push the button "Have Disk..." and change to
the WIN95 directory on the ELSAware CD for your WINNER board.
- Select in the "Manufacturer" list ELSA WINNER Display Driver
and in the list "Models" your WINNER board.
- If you use an ELSA monitor, make the same procedure for
"Monitor Type" in the "Change Display Type" dialog.
- Close the dialog "Change Display Type". At this time the
screen flickers a moment. This is not a bug! Windows tries to
find out, which graphics modes are available with this
- Now you can select resolution and color depth in the main
dialog "Properties for Display". For the first installation
you should select 1024x768 and 256 colors. This configuration
is available for all memory configurations on all ELSA
- Close "Properties for Display" by "OK" or "Apply
Normally you need to boot your system. Push the button "Restart
In all following Windows sessions you can change the resolution
without rebooting your system.
4. Revision History
This section describes changes to the previous releases of this
Version 1.01 - first release.
4.1 Version 1.02
- "Smoothy screen fonts" now works.
- Problems when using "Mouse Trails" with color and or animated
cursors fixed.
4.2 Version 1.03
- "Quick color depth change" now possible with Microsoft
QuickRes v2.0. (see 6.5.)
- Support for POWERdraft for Windows 95 added.
- DCI and DirectDraw support added
- Refresh-Rate support added.
4.3 Version 1.04
- Polygon-support: You can switch off driver support of
polygons by adding the line
to the section [Settings] in your ELSA.INI file.
- Colored hardware cursors only supperted, if the line
exists in the section [Settings] in the ELSA.INI file.
- Direct Draw, Pen Windows and Virtual Screen support added.
- Some problems with refresh rate support fixed.
4.4 Version 1.05
- "Grayed Text" bug fixed
- Software-Cursor bug fixed
- "Run=" entry in WIN.INI no longer used for WINman
4.5 Version 1.06
- WINNER 1000TRIO: Reboot crash fixed
- Schedule+ Page preview: Bug fixed
4.6 Version 4.02.0107
- new Windows 95 conform version numbering. Now the DirectX
setup program runs as expected
4.7 Version 4.02.0108
- WINman is now a Control Panel Extension. You find it in the
dialog "Properties for Display"
- VESA now works also on WINNER 1000TRIO/V
- Advanced driver information now available in "Advanced
Display Properties/Adapter"
4.8 Version 4.02.0109
- POWERlib support updated
- Incorrect cursor position with 2000AVI and 2000PRO/X is fixed
4.9. Version 4.02.0110
Driver speeded up by usage of Device Bitmaps
5. Release notes
5.1 ELSA.INI entries
The working mode of the driver can manipulate by entries in the
file ELSA.INI. Normally you will need to reboot your machine to
mak this settings working. In later releases ELSA will
distribute a tool change working paramters more easy.
The following table shows the meaning of this entries:
Section [Settings]
With this two entries you can change the color of the
hardware cursor. The format is:
at which rr, gg and bb are the hexadecimal values in
the range 00 to FF of the base color components.
You must specify ColorCursor=1 to make this working!
no longer supported!
Set this value to 1, if the screen flickers around the
cursor shape while changing the pattern.
This switch works only on WINNER 2000PRO/X, -AVI and
Setting this value to 0, the bitmap- cache will be
Set this value to 1 to force the 5-5-5 color format in
16BPP modes.
Section [Hardware]
In few resolution/color combinations on some S3-based
graphic boards the hardware cursor doesn't work. In
this cases you can force the usage of a software cursor
by inserting the line
in your ELSA.INI file.
This affects WINNER 1000 ISA/EISA, VL and PCI.
Video-RAM base address and size
Windows'95 needs direct access to the frambuffer of
your graphics board. Normally this takes place by 64kB
segments, mapped into the address space above 0A0000h.
On VL and PCI systems you can map the full video RAM
into the host address space. This increases the
performance of multimedia applications.
For example, insert the line
to map the video RAM at the physical address
Note that this address has to be above the end of your
main memory and that it has to be a multiple of the RAM
size of your graphics board. Additionally the end of the
graphics RAM must not be above the addressable range of
your bus type. These are for ISA bus 16MB, VL 128MB and
If you specify a VRAM-Base you also need to insert a
VRAM-Size entry:
WINNER 2000PRO/X and GLoria use
and for all other (previous) WINNER use
the size of the video memory in bytes.
5.2. DirectDraw support
The display drivers do support DirectDraw, but to use it in an
application, you must install DirectDraw. The Microsoft
DirectDraw components are not included in the standard retail
version of Windows 95.
To install DirectDraw start the program DXSETUP ind the
6. Known Bugs and Operating Notes
This section documents known anomalies or problems and gives
hints on work arounds.
6.1 Videomode not available
Because the controls for Desktop area and Color resolution
display ALL possible modes on ALL WINNER boards not all
indicated resolutions are available. The attempt to select such
a mode fails. Windows rejects this attempt with a corresponding
notification message.
6.2 No mouse pointer visible
On the WINNER 1000, WINNER 1000VL, and WINNER 1000PCI under
32 bpp no mouse pointer is visible. Enable Mouse Trails with a
very short trail in "Properties for Mouse" in the Control Panel.
6.3 After the installation no mouse cursor is visible
Probably there is no ELSA WINNER graphics driver active, but
a standard driver for Microsoft S3 processors. This driver
cannot recognize the the ELSA WINNER graphics board correctly.
- To avoid this problem please install the ELSA WINNER graphics
driver for Windows 95.
- Shut down Windows 95 with ALT-F4. While starting press F8.
In the following menu choose the third entry "3. Save mode".
Windows 95 will now start in a save mode with standard VGA
resolution. Now install the ELSA WINNER driver for Windows 95.
- Activate the software cursor (e.g. animated mouse cursor) or
the mouse track.
When the Device Manager recognizes the ELSA WINNER graphics
board correctly, it is possible that no ELSA WINNER driver is
With the Device Manager you can get information for all
drivers (e.g. company). With the ELSA driver you will find
the entry "ELSA GmbH Aachen (Germany)".
This board works only with up to 64MB main memory. The S3 chips
868/968 need 64MB physical address space and the VL-bus can
only access 128 MB. For this board use the following entries
in the section [Hardware] in your ELSA.INI file:
6.5 QuickRes 2.0 and Hardware Cursor
Now it is possible to change the current Color-resolution
(BPP) without rebooting Windows. Microsoft QuickRes 2.0
switches the CursorType to Software when changing the
color resolution. You can switch back to Hardware Cursor with
"Properties for Mouse". Click Motion/Trail "on" and "off".
6.6. Unknown and PnP-monitors
If you don't have selected a Monitor or you have a PnP (DDC1)
Monitor, in all graphics modes the default refresh rate is
60Hz. The DDC case is becaus a bug in Windows DDC support
You can change to a higher refresh rate with the control panel
extemsion WINman. WINman, unlike Windows, can evaluate the
monitor information provaided by DDC exact.
6.7. Cursor corruption
If you see some "snow" araound the cursor shape while changing
the pattern, insert the line
in the section [Settings] of your ELSA.INI file.
! This fix slows down the performance of the cursor changing
! operations !
6.8. System crash with Acrobat Reader
If you use the Acrobat Reader 2.0, it may be, that your system
crashes at start of Windows. You will see a black screen and if
you hit ESCAPE a blinking cursor is visible.
In this case please change the line
in the [BOOT] section of your SYSTEM.INI to
Now Windows should run correctly. Please use the version 2.1 of
the Acrobat Reader, that fixes the problem.